So here is a list of things I can try to get labor going:
* Sex! It's not the act itself but the hormones the help things along. Orgasms happen from oxytocin, the love hormone, and it is also what causes contractions. Also, prostaglandins in semen help soften the cervix, which will help it to dilate and efface.
*Chiropractor - get body and babies lined up for delivery.
*Bouncing on a birth ball - applying pressure to cervix to help dilate and working with gravity to pull baby down
*Walking - Gets those hips moving allowing baby down in the birth canal
*Acupuncture - hasn't tried it but hear it helps you're body to relax so birth is possible.
*Supplements - EPO aka Evening Primrose Oil. Also good for softening the cervix. Also a supplement called birth prep. Natural herbs in pill form to get your body ready. Also put Sage Oil on my belly every 3-4 hours should help bring on labor.
*Reiki Matter - A couple of my birth students had a reiki master work on getting their energy in line and ended up in labor shortly after that. I have had so much stress that doing this should be helpful
*Coffee Potty - basically, you sit above a bowl of caffeinated coffee and hot water for 30 mins max to help dilate your cervix.
* Nipple Stimulation - I have a pump and again, this stimulates oxytocin and help with contracts.
Some I have already tried, and others not yet. I will keep you posted.