Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hurry up and WAIT!

Well I got an update!  Hooray!  I am have been patiently waiting to hear back on what the next step is. It seems there have been a few hold ups, so I am getting the opportunity to practice patience.  My favorite! Ok not really, but it is good to learn how to slow down and enjoy the moments.
Like the one I am having right now.. Daisy is standing on the chair behind me, brushing my hair and playing with it...
And.... it's over, she has moved on and left my hair looking rather fashionable.  ha ha !  Seriously though it is hard to wait for something so exciting!

So what I found is it took almost two weeks for my medical records to make it from the Dr. office to the agency.  Then they sent them off to the RE and he went on vacation with out looking at them.  He will return from vacation next week to review and give me the thumbs up.  He might look at them while he is gone, but really he should enjoy his vacation! I mean I wouldn't want to be bothered by work while on vacation.  But maybe he is like me and passionate about things so enjoys checking up on work while relaxing.  Once I get the thumbs up then I have to wait till I am on CD14-16 (CD= Cycle Day) of my period to get checked.  The bummer is, I am on CD 14 TODAY!  So I will have to WAIT another month! BLAH!!  Wait, wait, wait... hurry up and wait!

Again, getting to practice patience.  Really, just having dates in mind is much better for me.  I don't like the unknown, so knowing puts me at peace.  Next month things will start to move forward and move faster.  I assumed we will have a July/Aug transfer, with a April/May baby.  Maybe as early as end of March, but I still think April/May.  Crazy to think next year at this time I will be ready to POP!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Seal of Approval

We got accepted!!!  They LOVE us and want to move forward!!  I am so excited.  It was hard to be patient and wait to hear the news but I am so excited, so happy, so ready to do this!!

Before hearing the news today, I woke up knowing I need to call the doctor to get my IUD removed.  I have the Paragard, non-hormonal, which is great because they don't need me to wait for body to get back on track, its already there.  Paragard has copper on it which apparently is like kryptonite to sperm, killing them off.  So it doesn't interfere with my natural ovulation.  Although it must have been doing something because my periods were whack! and horribly heavy...  Like a scary crime scene out of a movie horrible.  So happy to NOT have that again! (so I hope).  I called the doctors about 2 weeks ago to have it removed and was told that I needed to have it done when AF (aunt flow, aka menstrual cycle) was visiting. I was disappointed because she had just visited the week before and I realized that I was going to have to wait 3 more weeks to have this done.  I just worried how that could potentially put me behind schedule or interrupt the transfer. Ha ha! I don't even know when any of that will be but I don't want to be the reason for any delay!! Well AF decided to visit me late Thursday night.  Hooray!  I knew I would need to call the doctors to schedule an appointment.  The receptionist had told me when I called to have this done, I should be able to get in that day or the following.  I did call Friday after meeting with the IPs but they were closed for the weekend. Ok, no big deal, I will call Monday.   So today I called my doctor and guess what.... they were closed!!  What an odd day to be closed. Monday April 14th.  I wonder what special event is happening (religious, non religious, getting ready for taxes?) that has them closed on this Monday.  I then decided, ok no big deal - I will call another place to have it removed. They can't get me in for 2 weeks!! What is this nonsense?! What is so special about getting this done that they can't just squeeze me in?  I am sure this can't take more than 5 mins to remove. I decided to get on line and Google how it gets removed... smart! I get all kinds of blogs and post from different forums where women are talking about how they removed it themselves!  Sweet sassy molassy, this maybe the answer.  So I read a few of them and they all say the same thing: Lay down, find the strings and GENTLY pull them.  The IUD is flexible and shouldn't hurt to be removed. Well, let me think this through.  If something should happen, can I get to a hospital? Check. Would someone be able to come stay with the girls? Check. Plus I have birthed 4 babies and think my cervix is flexible. Ok, I decided to give it a whirl. Let my girlfriend know what I am up too and about 2 mins later I was free of my IUD!  Hooray me!!! Now, I am NOT, repeat NOT a doctor!  I do not, again DO NOT encourage anyone to do this.  This is a medical procedure that should be done by a doctor in case anything goes wrong and YES sometimes they do.  Some get stuck and have to be surgically removed!!  No joke. I have read about it happening.  So why did I do this?  Well some would say I'm a bad ass.  Some would say I am crazy.  And others would question my ability to make wise choices and think this was pretty stupid.  You can come to your own conclusion about me, I know I am just crazy.

So I was super excited when I got the email that we have been accepted, we have been chosen. Given the thumbs up, the seal of approval. I was going to get to carry her child and I am so excited for this!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Meet the Parents!

Perfect.  Loving. Laid Back. Respectful. Caring.  Just a few words that come to mind when I think about these parents.  They have a wonderful love and admiration for each other.  They want what is best for there children.  They have one child already that the mother was able to carry on her own, but almost died at the end of her pregnancy/delivery (I honestly don't know the story) and so she can not have anymore of her own children.

What this means though is that she has already gone through her own pregnancy and been able to be in complete control of it. How much she rested, exercised, what she ate, what medications she consumed, what test she did or did not want done.  Along with not having extra ultrasounds other than the one at 20 wks.  There really is not enough information out there to determine what effects ultrasounds have on babies. We know that they do cause a stream of high-frequency sounds waves and baby's maybe feeling vibrations or heat. Most babies don't like them and will cover there faces almost trying to block out the ultrasound or hid from them.  So they discussed how once they became pregnant, they changed the way they took care of their bodies, knowing how it would affect their child.  She did have a lovely pregnancy and was hoping to find a surrogate with an open mind to eating well for their child, not taking routine medications at the first sign or a cold or headache but to find a more natural approach and be willing to try that first. I am completely open to trying this and may find something more natural for myself to use.  I already use a netipot when I have a cold instead of cold medicine and have found it to be extremely helpful.

Anyhow back to the meeting...  It took us a lot longer to get there then expected and so we ended up being late, which neither of us like... but they understood and were grateful we were willing to drive to them.  We met at a lovely Hotel and actually chatted in the Lobby area for our meeting.  They showed Bryan a picture of their child ~ adorable! And asked Bryan how he felt about it all.  He explained that he is 100% supportive of what I want to do and knows my passion for pregnancy and birth. After all, I am a Bradley Childbirth Educator and will be working to be a doula as my girls are older.  I LOVE all things birth!! The Father said he understood and lives the rule "Happy Wife = Happy Life".

 They talked about how they chose to stay healthy during their pregnancy and why.  She asked me questions about any complications I have during my pregnancies, sickness I experience or anything else.  I have very healthy pregnancies with only slight nausea in the beginning.  Yes I am blessed. After that the Father had to return to work (it was a Friday afternoon) but the Mother stayed and chatted with us for a bit longer.  We talked about what we will have to go through to get the process started. Medical screenings and what not, all the meds we have to take before IVF.  She wants to do a fresh cycle as opposed to a frozen cycle. She said she wasn't sure how many times I am willing to do this and I told her that when I signed up I was committed to trying it 3 times before having to re-evaluate.  But I don't think it will take 3 times to become pregnant.  I have a good feeling that it will happen on the first try!  I read another surrogates blog and she talks about being positive and how she has carried 4 times and every time it worked on the first try.  So I plan on doing the same.  After that she treated us to lunch.  At this hotel, there is a small restaurant on the rooftop and it was a lovely day out.  In the upper 70's with a slight breeze.  She wasn't able to stay with us for lunch which was a disappointment, but it gave Bryan and I an opportunity to eat in peace and quiet and enjoy each others company.  Usually we have out two little ones and so eating is never a dull moment.  It was a mini vacation!  I phoned her later that night and let her know how much we appreciated that.

I am excited to see what the next step will be.  I know Monday I will be calling the doctors to have my IUD removed so my body can get back on cycle and get ready to grow a baby!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Before the Meeting

I am so excited and nervous.  Tomorrow we meet the husband, the father of the child I will carry.  Wow that sounds weird to say, but that is what it is.  I am really excited, I am not even tired but know I should go get in bed.....  and I am sure once I do my little one will wake.  The couch may become my bed again.  Anyhow, tomorrow I need to get up, get the older one off to school, get some make up, do my hair, and figure out what I am going to wear.  I hope my girlfriend is ready for the photo bomb I will be sending her for dress approval.  Not an actual dress, although that would be nice, I plan on wearing pants. I always wear pants.  I need to get a few more girly.... womanly.... ugh, I don't like how either of those sound... but I need a few more dresses.  I am so excited and hope they like us and want to move forward.  I wonder if the conversation will be comfortable, awkward, quiet or... stop over thinking it!  It will go great!! Plus this week I bought my first container of Raw Milk and guess what? I like it!! and so does Daisy! I am excited to tell her that.
I am getting anxious again but I yawned, so that is a good sign.  Sleep is on it's way and I will need it for tomorrow. The weird thing about this, is I have no idea what I should or shouldn't say.  If there is a right or wrong or proper etiquette with this, but I am going to do my best to relax and go with the flow.  Be my charming self and leave the rest up to the universe to decide.  Good night.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

....Oh, here it is!!!

My blog!  I have completely forgotten all about you.  I am so sorry and will try to be better about keeping things current.

It's been 6 months since I first started this and for the first 5 months not a whole lot had happened.  Then one night while checking FB (Facebook) I came a cross a post by a Doula sister that I know who has been a surrogate in the past.  I asked her about a good agency to use because I don't think my agency has anyone to match me with.  She responded back letting me know that there is an agency who is currently looking for a natural minded surro.  Someone who doesn't want induction, and I got so excited!  That is right up my alley!!
Now I know things like induction can be good if medically necessary (and no I am not talking about baby being to big to fit through your pelvis) but I really don't want to ever have to be induced again.  I was with my last daughter and well, that is a story for another time.
She sent me the agency's information and I immediately contacted them.  I had a wonderful conversation with the woman there and actually could feel my adrenalin rushing though with the thought of being able to be matched up.  After all I started looking in to this back in August and here it was end of March.  No, it doesn't normally take this long but I was still breastfeeding Penny and the time and wanted to make it to her first birthday, which passed March 18th.  So I knew I had time but was getting ancy! I get baby fever as my little one was nearing her first birthday, transitioning from baby to toddler.  I am just not ready for her to be growing up so fast!  The agency sent me their information and a profile to fill out which I did that night.  After sending it over I was giving the profile to this lovely couple who are looking for a natural minded surrogate.  I told the agency that I was very interested in speaking with them and she told me they felt the same, so a phone conversation was set up. At first it was awkward, I didn't know what to say, but we just started talking and I told myself to relax and just be me. We had a nice conversation and have a lot of similar values.  The next step was getting to meet with her and the women from the agency.

*First Date*

I was so excited and nervous.  I felt like I had been asked out on my very first date and wanted to impress her.  I made sure to pick out my outfit the night before and even do my hair. Which when having two little ones, ages 2 and 1, doesn't happen very often.  (I wash it, just drying and curling is a 2 hour event in it's self) I got my sitter lined up and off I went.  We met at a local coffee shop and had wonderful conversation full of laughter and tears of joy.  She is a beautiful women and I feel very lucky that I met her.  She really wants a very natural pregnancy as well as birth.  So cutting out all the coffee, soda, fast food, processed food and other things that really are not good for us.  Luckily in our family we have already talked about doing this, but this will really help us to make it happen.  She also asked that I be open to natural remedies to illness before taking medicine.  So no Tylenol for headaches or cold meds for a cold.  I am completely open to finding other natural ways to cure these things first.  The next step is for us to meet with her and her husband.  We should be doing this by next weekend!  If they decided they like us, and we like them, we can move forward!!   I am still so excited to be at this part of the process and really hoping things continue to move smoothly.