We got accepted!!! They LOVE us and want to move forward!! I am so excited. It was hard to be patient and wait to hear the news but I am so excited, so happy, so ready to do this!!
Before hearing the news today, I woke up knowing I need to call the doctor to get my IUD removed. I have the Paragard, non-hormonal, which is great because they don't need me to wait for body to get back on track, its already there. Paragard has copper on it which apparently is like kryptonite to sperm, killing them off. So it doesn't interfere with my natural ovulation. Although it must have been doing something because my periods were whack! and horribly heavy... Like a scary crime scene out of a movie horrible. So happy to NOT have that again! (so I hope). I called the doctors about 2 weeks ago to have it removed and was told that I needed to have it done when AF (aunt flow, aka menstrual cycle) was visiting. I was disappointed because she had just visited the week before and I realized that I was going to have to wait 3 more weeks to have this done. I just worried how that could potentially put me behind schedule or interrupt the transfer. Ha ha! I don't even know when any of that will be but I don't want to be the reason for any delay!! Well AF decided to visit me late Thursday night. Hooray! I knew I would need to call the doctors to schedule an appointment. The receptionist had told me when I called to have this done, I should be able to get in that day or the following. I did call Friday after meeting with the IPs but they were closed for the weekend. Ok, no big deal, I will call Monday. So today I called my doctor and guess what.... they were closed!! What an odd day to be closed. Monday April 14th. I wonder what special event is happening (religious, non religious, getting ready for taxes?) that has them closed on this Monday. I then decided, ok no big deal - I will call another place to have it removed. They can't get me in for 2 weeks!! What is this nonsense?! What is so special about getting this done that they can't just squeeze me in? I am sure this can't take more than 5 mins to remove. I decided to get on line and Google how it gets removed... smart! I get all kinds of blogs and post from different forums where women are talking about how they removed it themselves! Sweet sassy molassy, this maybe the answer. So I read a few of them and they all say the same thing: Lay down, find the strings and GENTLY pull them. The IUD is flexible and shouldn't hurt to be removed. Well, let me think this through. If something should happen, can I get to a hospital? Check. Would someone be able to come stay with the girls? Check. Plus I have birthed 4 babies and think my cervix is flexible. Ok, I decided to give it a whirl. Let my girlfriend know what I am up too and about 2 mins later I was free of my IUD! Hooray me!!! Now, I am NOT, repeat NOT a doctor! I do not, again DO NOT encourage anyone to do this. This is a medical procedure that should be done by a doctor in case anything goes wrong and YES sometimes they do. Some get stuck and have to be surgically removed!! No joke. I have read about it happening. So why did I do this? Well some would say I'm a bad ass. Some would say I am crazy. And others would question my ability to make wise choices and think this was pretty stupid. You can come to your own conclusion about me, I know I am just crazy.
So I was super excited when I got the email that we have been accepted, we have been chosen. Given the thumbs up, the seal of approval. I was going to get to carry her child and I am so excited for this!!
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