Sunday, July 27, 2014

How many test will it take?

Everyday since my transfer I have been POAS. I wanted to see the line showing I was pregnant as soon as possible! I knew that the first two days after the transfer I would not see anything. That would just be too soon to detect on a home pregnancy test. I believe it takes 24-48 hours for the hormone hcg to start secreting in to the blood and urine.

How it works:
When get pregnant naturally you typically will ovulate mid-cycle. This can be any where from 12-16 days after the beginning of your period.  Most doctor's assume that this happens on cycle day (CD) 14, but every women is different. Some ovulate sooner, CD 10, others later, CD 21. Once you ovulate, your egg has about 24 hours to get fertilized. A small window. In IVF, Ovulation day is equal to the day of egg retrieval.  Once the egg is released it will usually fertilize by your ovary and then starts growing as it travels down the fallopian tube. This can take anywhere from 5 to 7 days before it reaches the uterus. In IVF, they fertilize the egg and watch it grow over the next 3 -5 days.  Sometimes during this process IVF eggs will stop growing.  This is why on egg retrieval day they try to get as many eggs as possible. I know we had 11 eggs that were growing on 3 days after fertilized. On day 5 only 6 of the eggs had continued to grow. When the embryo reaches the uterus it needs to implant into your lining that has been building up. This is why I give myself all the injections, get my lining nice and thick! Once snuggled in the embryo will start secreting hcg which is a hormone that tells the body "Hey we are pregnant! Time to get to work and help baby grow!" Again the hcg is what is detected in a pregnancy test. So if the embryo implants on day 7 after ovulation, and take 2-3 days to produce hcg, you can start taking a home pregnancy test about 9 to 10 Days Past Ovulation (DPO) to find out if you are pregnant or not. However, you may or may not see a very faint line on a pregnancy test at this point. Sometimes it takes up to 12-14 DPO for the positive to show. If you do see a faint line at 10 days past ovulation, and take a test again at 12 days past ovulation, the test line will be darker. So you will see a nice progression of that line getting darker indicating that the HCG is increasing and you are successful pregnant!
So for me 2 Days after a 6 day Transfer = 8 DPO. On 3 DP 6 DT (9DPO) I thought I saw a faint line. 

I sent this picture to others who agreed they thought they saw something too but weren't sure.
I took another test the next day and saw this
Bam! BFP! Big Fat Positive!
 If it's hard to see here is a tweaked picture of it. Meaning I played with effects on the photo to make that second line appear.
 I will keep taking test to watch the line get darker!
Here are all the test I have taken so far.

I'm obsessed! Ha!

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