I'm behind on posting what has been going on. Reason being is I got a bit side tracked after meeting with them and had some concerns that came up. I have since found out that my concerns have been taken care of and I don't need to worry. So time to move forward.
Oh and the concern had to do with reduction. Something that you decide prior to matching with a couple. My IM and I were on the same page but my IF made a comment about not having twins due to financial strain and that was not OK with me. He had since apologized for sharing his fears and concerns with me and it really was just about his fears, not something they plan on doing. They couldn't anyways because that is not how our contract is written.
Yes this may seem odd but actually this had come up a lot with other surrogates as well. If anyone is considering being a surrogate, really make sure you understand what you are agreeing to in your contract. You never know when you will need that piece of paper to protect you.
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