Yesterday was my due date. It was a pretty uneventful day as I just spent time with my girls and took them to the park to play and enjoyed there smiles.
Today I found out that during my mellow day, two Surro sister's of mine had very hard deliveries. One was pregnant with twins, delivered baby A vaginally with no problems. Baby B ended up having cord Prolapse, meaning the cord came down in to the birth canal before the baby. This cuts of the oxygen to baby and requires an emergency c-section. She is recovery and doing ok, but to have a double whammy delivery will be a harder recovery. I hope she has the support to help her over the next few weeks.
The other Surro sister had a very rare complication. Placenta accreta. This is when your placenta grows in to your uterus. I'm not sure if she knew about this prior to delivery, but after she delivered her surro baby, and her placenta didn't come out she had to have a hysterectomy. She was not done having children of her own and was planning on doing a sibling journey for this family. These are things that will NEVER be possible for her. I can not image the devastation and heart ache that would cause. She has very loving IPs and I know they will help out as much as possible, but nothing can replace that loss.
As a Surrogate, you know that loss of your uterus is possible. It's written in your contract that you could lose it and will be compensated for it, but that compensation can never make up for not having another child of your own. And it's not something to be taken lightly. Many surrogates don't think these things will happen to them, because they never happened with their own pregnancies. The reality is: they haven't happened YET. And YET stands for You're Eligible Too.
You are amazing! <3