After a lot of phone calls back and forth my amniocentesis is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. The genetic counselor explained everything to me and was very detailed about it all. The IPs want what is called a Rapid Test, which will be preliminary results, but will let them know in 48 hrs if one of the girls does have Down Syndrome. I really believe they are going to find both girls are perfectly healthy and we can go on to enjoy the rest of this pregnancy.
I am trying to stay positive. Worry is wasteful and yet this morning I did nothing around my house because all I could think about was this test. A test I have had done before. I remember it not be horrible, but also not the most comfortable. Another surrogate friend of mine has offered to go with me tomorrow and I am considering taking her up on the offer. I just don't want to be alone.
I also talked with my IM and she is so shocked by all this news. She really is trying to stay positive too. She has been so scared and nervous this whole time and once I got to 20 wks and had the anatomy ultrasound done, which came back BEAUTIFUL, she started to breath a little easier and started going shopping for her girls. I really can't image having to go through all that she has to get to this point and hear something may not be ok. I honestly feel for her. They want the amnio so they can have peace of mind that everything is ok or know what to expect. Time will tell.
I am truly hoping this is just a little bump in this journey that up to this point has been beautiful . <3
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