Yesterday late afternoon I received a call from Ashley letting me know what was going on with the results. Apparently the courier that picked up the sample on Tuesday failed to deliver it to the lab that evening. They actually didn't even deliver it until two days later on Thursday, which was the day that I was to get the results! It's frustrating that this happened. The lab knows how important this is and is going to expedite getting the rapid results done. However they still need 24 to 48 hours to have the results complete. They do work on Saturdays, so as soon as they have the results then they will call Ashley and let her know. At this point I'm not holding my breath to get the results any sooner than Monday afternoon.
I let the IM know. She told me not to stress and is, confident that everything will work out great.
I do believe that all things happen the way they are supposed too and that nothing happens by mistake. So I get to just trust in the process for now.
Praying for peace and patience as you wait to hear the results. <3