Sunday, May 25, 2014

Change in my pouch

I have been so busy this past month.  I had a final to finish and evaluations to complete but now they are all done!! Wooo Hoooo!!!

This month has brought a lot of change.  So last time I wrote that I was waiting for the doctor to look at my records and give me a thumbs up.  Well he did!!!  I knew that would happen but was so excited when I got the news on May 1st.  On May 5th I checked in with the agency to see how things were going.  She let me know that all was well and I would be getting my paperwork the next day.  She asked if I had a change to talk with my IM and I said I had not.  She told me it would be great to email her and check in.  I didn't have her email but knew I would get it the next day.  So on Tuesday May 6th I got all the paperwork and reviewed it late in the day.  I decided I would email my IM the next day to see how she was doing.  On Wednesday morning May 7th I got a call from my agency.  Apparently something had come up with my IM and she was going to postpone surrogacy until Sept or Oct.  My heart sank.  By that time it will have been over a year since I started to look in to this process and I really loved them.  I knew right away that I did not want to wait until then.  During one of our meetings I got the feeling the IM was not 100% on board.  I worried that she had some doubt going through her mind but brushed it off.  So glad that she decided to make changes at this point before getting to involved.  My agency said that the time is really interesting because they have another couple who's surrogate back out during meds. Which this is a HUGE shock.  Meds are not simple or easy.  This is a part of the process that I don't look forward too.  Sticking myself with a needle almost every day, gaining weight from those shots, being moody, bitchy, grumpy, having hot flashes, headaches and more...  So for someone to change their mind at that time means something big is happening to them.  So I was asked to look at their profile and see what I think.  Well they look like a sweet couple who is very open minded about everything and about their surros needs. I said I loved their profile and we had a phone meeting set up for the next day.  We spoke for about an hour.  She is a lovely women.  She is from Belgium so not close by, but that is ok.  We can keep in touch via email, phone and Skype. She has been trying for about 9 years to have her own child and has realized that for what ever reason, she is not able to stay pregnant once becoming pregnant and has decided to use donor eggs.  They already have the donor here local to me ready to go.   She asked me a lot of important questions about how I feel about doing this, why and if I would be ok with them being there at delivery.  I said that I had no problem with that but that I really don't want to be induced.  I have had two inductions that they are really hard on my body.  I would really love to go in to labor on my own.  She said she was fine with this and is just excited to meet someone to carry her child.

Since then I have had my psych screening and am on to medical.  I will get my medical screening this Thursday and find out how everything looks.  I will also find out how soon I will be transferring.  I am so excited!!

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