Sunday, July 20, 2014

Gold Star **

Right now is 2am and I am rocking my Lil one and realized I haven't written all the details of the past few weeks. Which have been wonderful! So here is a time line of events:

7/7- I have been taking Lupron daily and Delestrogen on Mondays and Thursdays. At this point I have only had 2 shots of the Delestrogen. I had a monitoring appointment to check my uterine lining and make sure it is getting thick. Typically after you ovulate your body starts to make a lining in your uterus for the egg, which has become a fertilized embryo, a nice cozy place to snuggle in and grow. A good number to see at this point is an 8. Anything more than that is great! If for some reason your number is a little less, well you still have time for it to change and get better, hopefully with out needing extra medication. When she checked my lining it was at a 12!!!!! The doctor tools me I get a Gold star for how well my body is responding to the meds. This made me so happy and relieved that my body was responding so well to the medication and I felt this was the beginning to great news all around.
7/14 - I had another lining check to see how my lining was doing and to make sure my blood work looked good.  If all is well then I would begin my daily injections of Progesterone.  The main Dr. was the one to actually check me and see how I was progressing.  He said he was extremely pleased with how well I am doing.  My lining was now at a 15 and was a triple line. When you have a triple line it means your uterus is nice and 'fluffy' and ready for an embryo.  It will look like a feather in pattern. This is great news for the embies to be.  They will have a wonderful cozy place to snuggle in and grow!
I was then told that the egg retrieval would be the following day from the donor and then fertilized.  From there we would know on Friday how many eggs were growing well and would go on to have the PGD testing done.  This is to make sure that there are no genetic issues.  This testing will be done on Sunday.  This is a hard test to pass and after speaking with the other surrogates, usually only 1 out of 10 pass this testing.  However the success rate of a good pregnancy increases when this testing is done.  I won't know this news until Monday morning when we get to the doctors office.
7/18 - I had to give blood and make sure that my Progesterone levels were looking good. 
7/19 - I got an email from my IM saying that they have 11 embryos growing well and will be tested the next day!!  I am very excited that we have such a great number.  This increases our odds of one passing the PGD testing.  Now if they have two that look good, then two will be implanted, but I am just crossing my fingers for one good one!
7/20 - Today the testing will be done and tomorrow is transfer day along with 3 days of bed rest. I am getting really excited about Monday.  Today is going to be a good easy day. I need to relax and enjoy the day and the family.

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