Saturday, August 23, 2014

First Ultrasound!!

I was so excited and nervous for my first u/s. I had a feeling I was carrying twins but worried about it being triplets. When I got there I was asked by the women who does the blood work what I thought I was carrying. The doctor asked me as well what I thought. I told her based on my hcg levels, I think twins. And I feel more stretching this time. But I don't feel pregnant. I feel normal. No morning sickness (although I never do) no cravings really...  Except being thirsty! I want to drink water all the time! 
Anyhow I was excited to see what the u/s would show. She found the baby right away! You could even see a good heartbeat. She did a little more looking and found baby 2! TWINS!! Baby 2 had a good heart beat as well. So excited to see them both! I have another u/s  this coming week and I look forward to seeing how much they have grown! I'm so excited for twins! We called my IM to let her know but she was traveling so we got her voice mail. The doctor let her know the good news and I texted her a picture with congrats! She said she is excited and nervous. Double the fun and double the responsibility. She is going to make an amazing mother! So happy for her!

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