Saturday, August 9, 2014

Getting ready

Today is the day I am meeting my IM! She flew in with her family on Thursday and sent me a message about meeting up. Originally Bryan and I were going to take the girls and drive up there but now I'm going by myself. The reason for the change is my IM informed me that what we are doing is illegal in her country and she and her husband have decided not to tell the older step boys about any of it until pregnancy is at or past 12 weeks. At this point most are past the point of miscarriage and will go on to have a healthy pregnancy. She also told the boy's she is meeting with an old friend for lunch. At this point there is no need for Bryan and the girls to come. Even though I understand and respect her decision to not tell the boys, I was surprised to hear that they did not know. But this road of infertility has been a long one for them and I'm sure like most they don't want to get there hopes up just to be disappointed should things not work out.
Excited, nervous, happy, thrilled!!

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